Women in Wills met for the last time in 2023 at the remarkable Municipal Hotel in Liverpool for an afternoon of networking and development with industry peers.

The group started the lunch by looking back on the year and recognising the success of the group. In 2023, the group has increased by over 150 members to be a whopping 1,450 member group. We have had over 100 attendees at our regional lunches across the country in London, Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool. 2023 also saw the launch of The Interview Series hosted by Arken.legal – a conversation with industry experts to inspire the future generation of lawyers.

After a fantastic three course lunch, the group heard from Associate Solicitor Danielle Blaylock from Jackson Lees. Danielle spoke with the group about the various types of probate claims, types of common disputes including capacity, undue influence, want of knowledge, fraudulent calumny and forgery. Danielle finished the presentation by providing commentary on recent cases including Winter v Winter 2023 dispute over mirror/mutual wills. The presentation sparked an interesting discussion in the room. See more from Danielle Blaylock via her LinkedIn.

The Women in Wills event came to a close after hearing from sponsor’s Estatesearch and Arken.legal – thank you to both for your support throughout 2023 both online and at our in-person events.

We are excited to see what 2024 brings for Women in Wills, to stay up to date on the next events and the plans for the new year join our LinkedIn group or see our website: https://womeninwills.co.uk/